He ran through the sprinklers and got soaked so I took off his clothes inside. Then he ran back out the door and up the street naked. Couldn't miss that photo opportunity.
Bapa, Niko, and I went to Travel Town at Griffith Park this morning to ride the choo choo. Of course Niko loved it. Choo choo's are his favorite thing right now.
I got a little behind on my posting because of all the festivities, but not on my picture taking. This was taken at The Boat on Friday night. We went there with the MacLellans to celebrate their wedding blessing and the babies' baptism. Niko and all of his cousins loved the video games.
Niko got a tent/igloo today from IKEA. Nana and I found all kinds of fun things there. I'm sure there will be many more pictures of the tent. I'm lucky I got him out of it to sleep in his crib. Although I kinda wanted to sleep in it....
Niko's been sleeping in my bed a lot lately. Partly because he's been teething, partly because he's been congested a lot, and mostly because I can't say no to waking up to this adorable, peaceful face in the morning.
Somebody didn't have a nap today. I lied with him in his room trying to get him to fall asleep and instead I fell asleep and woke up to him yelling "Mom, Andy!" I looked up and he was wearing his hat, demanding that we watch Toy Story.
Our last day at Disneyland before the blackout days of summer. We had a fun morning before it got too hot and too crowded. Here is Nino, Mommy, Niko, and Nana waiting in line for the Storybook Cruise.
I was too lazy to deal with my camera today so here's a picture from my Blackberry. Niko and Miya were slip 'n sliding in the backyard. Niko is 19 months old today!
For the last 2 1/2 hours he's only been wearing one shoe. He's really enjoying half-stomping around the house and watching his one shoe light up. If only I knew what goes on in that little mind of his....
Tuesdays are long days. I only get to see Niko when I drop him off for school and after his nap. We watched Toy Story for a little bit, and this was the only picture I got of him today. :( At least Wheezy looks happy?
We had a picnic today with Lauren and Kyle at Granada Park. It was so fun and of course we had Dots cupcakes to celebrate Lauren's belated birthday. :)
This might as well just be a blog about cupcakes because that's pretty much all that I post pictures of. Tonight I attempted to make strawberry cupcakes. Failure, but Niko enjoyed them. He'll eat anything that's shaped like a cupcake.
Here's the little guy today eating a PB & J sandwich on a Hawaiian roll and looking through a cookbook. We tried to find something yummy to make, but didn't find anything inspiring enough in Princess Tiana's Cookbook (Princess and the Frog). Anyone want to make us some Gumbo? It looked like it was a little bit beyond Mommy's skill level.
I only got to spend about 45 minutes with Niko today since he took a 4 hour(!) nap and my Physiology class went much longer than it normally does. This picture was the only thing I could get today, but I like that I captured the quiet of Niko's room at night. During the day its much different. Hard to see Niko but he's sound asleep in his crib. :)