Today, Niko went into the dishwasher to get out a clean sippy cup, opened the fridge, pulled the milk down, opened it, and poured it into his cup, only spilling a little bit.
Today Alyson and I took Niko around South Pasadena for a fun day. We went to the train station and watched the trains come and go, then we went to the library to play with trains and check out train books. Niko's life revolves around trains right now....and so does mine. TRAINS ARE EVERYWHERE.
He stuffed a bunch of grapes in his cheeks. He's such a chipmunk. We lost his blankie today at the San Diego Wild Animal Park. It's like losing a family member. :(
We had a wonderful day today. We went to Homegirl Cafe with the Fortner's for breakfast by way of the choo choo train (Metro). It was delicious and fun. After that, Niko took a nap in Alyson's bed and Ryan came over to visit. He happened to be wearing a Homeboy t-shirt also, so he and Niko matched.
(I'm finally caught up on my posting. I've been a little bit lazy lately because I've spent all my free time reading Harry Potter....summer tradition. I'm on #3 :)