Pumpkin carving day! We made a Tigger pumpkin and a spider pumpkin with Mom and Hector. Absolutely no credit goes to Nino and John who were watching basketball all night.
We made it to Disneyland before Halloween! Niko was incredibly traumatized by the Haunted Mansion (even though he used to love it), but he conquered his fears of Dumbo and loved that ride!
We FINALLY made it to the pumpkin patch!!! It took weeks but we made it. Niko liked pulling around the wagon (except when I was in it). We recreated last years picture with Nino. It will have to be a tradition. :) Niko's gotten a lot bigger. He was just learning how to walk when we went last year.
Happy Birthday Courtney!! We celebrated Courtney's birthday with some Halloween cupcakes (that Niko so clearly enjoyed). He also thought Cam and Luke's car seats were good for Tiggers too.
Since we couldn't find our spider friend who lives in the GIANT web outside, we made our own web this afternoon. Complete with Mommy, Baby and fly to eat for dinner. We're pretty proud of it. :)
Well today was supposed to be pumpkin patch day at the Mr. Bones Pumpkin Patch but they closed it due to rain. Boooooooooo. After spending almost 2 hours in the car, we had to turn around and go around much to Niko's disappointment and fake whining. We came home and went for a short walk to see the ghost up the street and blow some dandelion seeds all over our poor neighbor's front lawn. At least we planted some more dandelions for next time! :)
Forgot to address the double Tiggers... Someone gave Niko a Tigger when he was born and we forgot about it. We just found it and now he has two! One of them has darker stripes than the other since he hasn't been washed/thrown in the toilet/thrown in the bath/run over by the stroller. He insists that they always be together since they are friends, so now I have to keep track of a toddler and two Tiggers.
Yet another use for a baby food jar. :) Niko and I sorted all of his crayons. He loved doing this, especially the purple ones. Then we started drawing and he politely demanded that everything have at least one spider on it. The carrot has a "mommy and three babies."
We turned the crib into a bed. :( He loved it until he had to go to bed, then it wasn't so fun anymore. Nana sat with him until he fell asleep and hopefully he doesn't fall out too much tonight. I covered the floor with pillows because I'm sure it's inevitable.
Niko likes the neighbor's Halloween decorations. We had to walk up the street at least 3 times to see this because there's a ghost inside that pops up every minute. We rode our bike up today, though, and he said "Don't like it, Mommy."
I actually forgot to take a picture today, so I had to run into his room and get this one really fast. He's about a month away from needing a big boy bed! He's almost at the end of the crib.